we would like to be able to categorize better all uncataloged items we enter into orders so that we can better report detailed spending reports to customers, for business reviews and internally so we know what is being uncataloged instead of just having a default uncatalogued item department, it's too generic, we would like to be able to drill down into what is being uncataloged; what item category, not just 'general' supplies, when it's furniture or promo or other item category, or office products but uncataloged so it doesn't get categorized correctly on internal reports for management and external reports for customers who look at a business review and see $5,000 in 'general office supplies' what is it actually? when we enter uncataloged items currently the item dept pops up with a default dept., we can change, can't you also add an SIC code field pop up so we could correctly categorize the item by SIC to better drill down into the actual item detail and category.